Tuesday, 14 August 2012

Hard Reset a Nokia e71

Two types of reset

1)  *#7370# will delete everything on your phonememory (contacts, sms, mms, mails etc)
Use PC suite to backup your contacts and messages etc first if you would like to keep them...

2) The *#7780# will only reset your settings. Contacts, wallpaper, texts, calendar etc will still remain.

Wednesday, 1 August 2012

Installing Windows 7 - Remove 100MB system partition which is created by default

To remove this pain partition do these steps:
  1. Run the windows 7 cd and at the first setup screen press Shift +F10
  2. Run Diskpart
  3. Type the follow commands in:
    List disk (normally disk is 0)
    select disk 0 (change 0 to another number if applicable)
    clean (deletes all partitions on disk)
    create partition primary
    select partition 1
    format fs=ntfs quick
  4. Now you can continue with the setup it will use the partition we just created and wont create a system partition
These steps are useful when you need to clone machines and you want only one disk

Windows 7 to VMware converter Error

Getting this stop 0x0000007B error in Windows 7 after a convertion from a physical machine???
It means the Vmware disk controller drivers are not enabled on Windows 7 clone, so this registry hack will enable them

1.Mount the Win7 DVD and boot to it.
2.At the first screen (Language Selection), hit Shift-F10 for a command prompt.
3.Run Regedit.
4.Load the system hive from the VM's disk:

2.File > Load Hive
3.Select < c: > \Windows\System32\config\system
4.Regedit will ask for a Key name: Name it something like "asdf"
5.Expand HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\asdf\ControlSet001\Services\intelide
6.Change the data for value "Start" from "3" to "0".
6a.Also repeat for: HKLM/System/CurrentControlSet001/Services/ and edit the "Start" parameter to the corresponding value from the list:

Aliide = 3
Amdide =3
Atapi = 0
Cmdide = 3
iaStorV = 3
intelide = 0
msahci = 3
pciide = 3
viaide = 3
7.Click on asdf and go File > Unload Hive.
8.Exit regedit.
9.Reboot the VM.

I cloned a windows 7 machine to another computer and had the same blue screen stop error.  I did this and it fixed it
Following the same instructions above but only changing these
 to 0
Hope these help someone

Windows Server 2008 R2 Windows Update not working

Getting the following error? "Windows Update cannot current check for updates, because the service is not running."
enter image description here

First check if the windows update service is running (if it is then stop it)

Go to c:\windows\SoftwareDistribution and rename it to ...OLD

Start the service again and it will work